Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 9, 2010

Adsense on blogger : step by step

Hi everyone,

This is my experiences about Adsense on blogger. It maybe right or wrong for you, but apply for me. You can follow these step :

Step 1 : Choose your topic for blog.

Before creating blogger, you should choose your blog topic first. Eg : my blog topic is seo tips, and this blog talk about some tips help you increase ranking on Search engine.

Step 2 : Write some articles for blog.

People and search engine will not like if your blog is blank. Why I have to visit your blog while it doesn’t supply for me anything I need ? Creating fresh and unique articles will help your blog living. I’m sure, with more articles and more information in your blog, you will get point with Adsense, also Search Engines.

Step 3 : Join communities.

Yes, when you have contents, next to join communities like forums, social network, or blog….Why do you have to join them ? That is fast way you get back links and traffic your blog. I recommend talk to your friends and family about your blog, too. That’s good and easy.

Step 4 : Waiting….

Don’t hurry. Wait to time you are ready to do more something. Wait about one week. During this time, continue join communities and introduce your blog to everyone.

Step 5 : Read the term.

I know this term of Adsense is very long. I hate it, too. But please read the term, if you don’t want Adsense will not accept your blog cause of violations.

Step 6 : Join Adsense

Now, nobody and nothing can stop you. Come on to Adsense with request on Monetize in blogger. After fill some information, you will wait from 0-48 hours to Adsense accept or not. But if you don’t have violations with terms of Adsense they will accept you fast. While wait Adsense accept, your blog will appear some public services ads. Please don’t click to them, let others click.

Step 7 : Keep your works

Google Adsense has accepted your account but that’s only begin time. Keep creating back links and article for your blog. Get more and more traffic by useful contents.

Finally, I love to say : you are king, others are people.

Thank you for reading.

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